@article{oai:hbg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002869, author = {久保, 幸代 and Kubo, Sachiyo}, journal = {広島文化学園大学学芸学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Kiyomi FUJII transcribed 2213 Japanese folk tunes and wrote 141 folk tune arrangement in his life. Usually, Japanese folk tunes are transcribed in the time of 2/4 to prevent being too complicated for their irregularity. But in FUJII’s manuscript notebook, there are many songs which have some measures in 3/4, though the rest of the song employed a 2/4 time. Most of these songs were arranged as he transcribed, maintaining the 3/4 measures, however, he arranged the “Gujou no hachiman,” which is one of his folk tune arrangements, completely in 2/4 without adding any 3/4 measures. In this article, I examined his intention how he adjusted the musical time patterns.}, pages = {25--34}, title = {藤井清水の民謡編曲作品における拍子についての考察 : 郡上の八幡}, volume = {3}, year = {2013} }