@article{oai:hbg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002915, author = {湯浅, 理枝 and 松尾, 晋典 and 松田, 亮 and Yuasa, Rie and Matsuo, Shinsuke and Matsuda, Ryo}, journal = {子ども学論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本研究では、教員養成(小学校教諭・幼稚園教諭・保育士)課程の実習未経験の大学生が作成する、接続期の幼児と児童を対象とした運動遊び教材を分析・検討することで、学生の多様な動きの捉えを把握し、領域「健康」を含んだ、体育に関連する授業改善および系統的な指導のための一助となる基礎的資料を得ることを目的とした。  主な結果として、大学生の作成する運動遊び教材で観察できる基本的な動きは、選定した基本的な動き46 種類のうち、幼児・児童にとって身近な動きの19 種類の抽出に留まった。幼児期運動指針で多様な動きを遊びに取り入れることが求められていることを鑑みると、普段の生活の中であまり行う頻度が少ない動きをあえて取り入れるという視点が必要であるが、その視点が不十分であることが学生教材において示唆された。今後については、実習経験を経て学生の多様な動きの捉え方がどのように変化するのか、また、運動遊びに多様な動きを取り入れることができるようにするためにはどのような指導内容が効果的であるかを検討することが必要である。  This study aimed to understand how university students view various physical movements, and to obtain fundamental materials to help improve lessons related to physical education, including the content of“ health”, and to allow systematic teaching. For this purpose, we analyzed and investigated teaching materials for physical play, targeting the transition period between preschoolers and school-aged children, developed by students enrolled in teacher training courses (teachers of elementary schools, kindergartens, and nursery schools) who had no practical teaching training.  The main findings showed that of 46 patterns of fundamental movements chosen, only 19 patterns familiar to infants and pupils were extracted as fundamental movements that could be observed with the teaching materials developed by the university students. Given that the Physical Activity Guideline for Japanese Young Children recommends incorporating various movements into play, a perspective that deliberately incorporates infrequently performed movements in daily life is needed. However, analysis of the teaching materials developed by the students indicated that this was insufficiently addressed. In future work, it will be necessary to explore how students change their viewpoints after practical teaching experience, as well as what kinds of teaching contents are effective to incorporate various movements into play.}, pages = {41--49}, title = {多様な動きの捉え方に関する一考察 −幼児期から児童期への運動遊びの接続に着目して−}, volume = {6}, year = {2020} }