@article{oai:hbg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005384, author = {小笠原, 文 and Ogasawara, Fumi}, journal = {子ども・子育て支援 研究センター年報}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, In this article, the writer proposes to look at children and the places they encounter picture books in a diversified fashion. Specifically, the writer develops the viewpoints put forward in 'Children and Their Encounters with Picture Books' and 'Picture Books as a Childcare Support Tool', with regards to picture book mediated childcare support. On that basis, it is a study of 'Children and Their Encounters with Picture Books' that draws on 'The Power of Raising Children That Picture Books Have'. In the end, the writer considers that children's 'experiences' are their encounters with picture books, paying particular attention to the essential condition of 'aesthetic experience' that contributes to children's development. The writer concludes that the vital role of childcare initiatives is to provide an environment in which children 'realize' the aesthetic, day in day out, where formerly, the accumulation of children's aesthetic experience points was entrusted to the family.}, pages = {5--12}, title = {絵本を媒体とした子育て支援に関する一考察}, volume = {6}, year = {2016} }